Sunday, February 28, 2016

Lab 5 - Algorithm Selection Lab

The assignment for this lab was to write two algorithms for adjusting volume of sound samples. We did this lab in groups. The first method is to scale a signed 16-bit integer by multiplying it by a volume scaling factor expressed as a float in the range of 0.000 - 1.000.
The first thing to do is create an array and fill it with many random values which act like the sound samples. After this we can write the scaling function. This is as simple as multiplying the sound sample and the scaling factor. We do this for all the sounds samples in the array.
int main()     //creating an array of samples     srand((int)time(NULL));     int numberOfElements = 500000000;     int16_t* sampleArray = (int16_t*)malloc(sizeof(int16_t) * numberOfElements);     fillSampleArray(sampleArray, numberOfElements); 
    int result = INT16_MIN;
    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfElements; i++) {         result = result ^  volumeScale(sampleArray[i], 0.750);

    printf("%d", result);
    return 0;

void fillSampleArray(int16_t* arr, int numOfElems)
    for (int i = 0; i < numOfElems; i++)
        arr[i] = ((rand() * 2) % (UINT16_MAX + 1)) + (INT16_MIN);
int16_t volumeScale(int16_t sample, float scale)
    return (int16_t)sample*scale;

The second method is to do the same thing but by using a lookup table. This means creating an array of all the possible values, which would be 65536 possibilities. One lookup table is for one volume scale.
So first off you check if the entered volume scale is the previous volume, and if this is not the case, you make the lookup table for this volume scale. Then you change the previous volume variable to the current scale. This way the lookup table is created once for every volume scale. So instead of doing 500 million multiplications like the first method, now it only take 65+k multiplications. Whenever the volume is changed, another lookup table will be generated for that volume.

Now to compare the two methods on ARCH64 and x86_64.
On x86_64(Xerxes) the lookup table is 55% slower that the normal multiplications.
On Arch64(Aarchie) the lookup table is 22% faster than the normal multiplications.

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